December 2007

Craig : I have decided to add a blog section just the month of December as quite a few bits have happened and sort of round the year off as well.

The pair of use have been rather busy working mostly and of course with the run up to Christmas busy trying to get that all sorted. Yippee. Well sort off, it is our first Christmas together so it a special one, but it also lot of hassle, so apart form spending it seeing friends and family do some resting and relaxing and over eating lol.

Mark ended up training in London this month which although was a long trip and cold on the train, he enjoyed and gained some good information from it to aid in his job. I ended up with an emergency trip to the dentist. Not fun I can tell you. I know am less a tooth and having to make a return trip in the New Year.

Christmas is soon and we nearly ready at least. Presents bought.
